Website User Personas

User personas are essential pieces of your overall website strategy. Your website serves different people with different needs, from prospective customers to existing employees. It’s important to think through all of these users are you plan your content and internal linking strategy to ensure all users are able to quickly and intuitively find what they are looking for.

Choreo Digital’s personas contain the following information, all compiled into a document that brings the user to life.

  • User Overview – The user, your marketing goals for the user, and their key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Questions and Answers – As the user moves through your funnel, they’ll have different questions and your website needs to answer them. The persona document contains several things your user might be thinking and the best ways your website can provide answers.
  • User Journey Maps – Choreo Digital will create sample user journeys to visualize the ways your visitors will move through the website toward the conversion point.
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