Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing can mean any action or tactic used to get in front of your customers online. It includes multiple, intertwined channels such as SEO, digital advertising (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.) social media (organic and paid), and email marketing. Each channel offers its own benefits and drawbacks, and some will work better for your business than others.

How can Digital Marketing help my business?

Having an online presence is no longer a nice addition to your marketing strategy, it’s essential. Many businesses have largely done away with traditional marketing in favor of a more targeted digital strategy. Online marketing allows you to narrowly target your customers based on who they are and what they are looking for. Combined with comprehensive web analytics and a solid website strategy, you can see exactly where your customers are coming from and the tactics that are truly driving revenue and customers. No matter what kind of business you have or who your customers are, they’re online.

Our Process

  1. Discovery – Choreo Digital will perform an audit of your website, your social presence and any current digital marketing initiatives. We will also review the digital strategy of your top competitors and perform additional research to uncover potential opportunities.
  2. Digital Marketing Meeting – This meeting is the true starting point for your improved digital presence. We will review findings from the Discovery phase, discuss your current customer acquisition process, and come up with a preliminary outline for your digital strategy.
  3. Digital Marketing Plan Development – Choreo Digital will create a comprehensive digital marketing plan including all relevant acquisition channels (SEO, advertising, social media, and/or email) and tactics including content marketing, marketing automation, and automated review requests. Choreo Digital will also provide website updates or additions that will be critical to the successful execution of your digital strategy.
  4. Digital Marketing Plan Implementation – If desired, Choreo Digital can implement and manage your digital marketing campaigns and provide transparent reporting and updates to provide a complete performance overview.
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