Web Analytics Consulting & Implementation

Your website is a powerful tool, primed to collect valuable information about your potential customers. Web analytics tools offer useful information like traffic sources and popular content out of the box, but they are much more powerful when you set up custom reporting using the advanced features available.

Our Process

  1. Discovery and Evaluation – Choreo Digital will review your web analytics installation and your website to evaluate the current availability of key data and develop preliminary suggestions and guidelines for improved reporting.
  2. Web Analytics Meeting – We will meet to discuss your business goals and how your website fits into your customer acquisition process, and identify website actions that correlate with various steps in the user journey. We will also discuss your preferences for analytics reporting: the reports you will receive and how often you will receive them.
  3. Web Analytics Implementation – Choreo Digital will set up custom analytics tracking to capture the data you need and create the reports you desire.
  4. Report and Dashboard Creation – Choreo Digital will set up automated email reports and dashboards within the reporting tool to provide on-demand access to the information you need.

Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics

Choreo Digital is certified in both Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics (Omniture), and can provide consulting for both platforms.

Ready to start learning from your website’s data? Contact Choreo Digital for a free consultation.

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